
WordPress development vs. SaaS solutions: a comparison of CMS solutions

Friends sometimes like to warn us “Squarespace will eat your lunch”, but [spoiler] we don’t think so yet.

There are many ways to approach building a website with dynamic content. We planted our flag in the WordPress camp around 2012. We’ll take a look at the pros and cons, as well as contrast with the alternatives available from SaaS providers like Squarespace.

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Big news for web developers: Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported on Google Search

It’s been a busy year and keeping up with updates has been… well, non-existent.

But a piece of news that dropped today inspired me to shout from this digital rooftop: Google has dropped support for IE11 in its core search experience.

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Video: History of the Times New Roman Typeface

“Typefaces are like speaking with an accent”.


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Handling responsive images on the web, with a focus on WordPress

Optimised images on the web are important for performance and user experience, which in turn are important for search engine visibility and engagement.

With changes to the way WordPress handles images in late 2019, we are taking a careful approach to handling images on the modern web. The main goal: to ensure that the browser loads an appropriately-sized image for its current context. It’s not as easy as it sounds.

responsive layout examples

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“Gen­eral Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion” in the European Union

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will apply in the EU from 25 May 2018.

While Hong Kong is not in the EU, you may wish to consider taking steps to comply. You may have some of your global audience in the EU, or simply wish to apply good practices to your corner of the web.

In any case, in Hong Kong we have the PDPO, which is a set of principles, contravention of which are not directly criminal offenses (but could result in an enforcement notice from the Commissioner, which is enforceable). We like to see a healthy interwebs, with trust and good behaviour being the norm.

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