Leverage your existing Analytics to make your new website the best it can be


Rebuilding a website has a distinct advantage compared with starting out anew. Detailed data on website visitors can provide crucial insight into what content is working and what needs work, as well as help focus your business goals for the new version. Redesign based on facts, not feelings.

How do users see the website?

Which devices are people using to access your website? Which browsers and which screen sizes? Which language do they browse in? This data changes depending on country, industry and target market.


In Hong Kong for instance, there are more Internet Explorer users compared to worldwide averages, so we have to build websites with this in mind.

Referring channels

Where are your visitors coming from? How successful are your email, social media, and search marketing efforts in driving traffic to your site? Traffic from social media will increasingly come from phones, suggesting a mobile-friendly website. General SEO theories apply here: which pages are people arriving on? Which referrers convert best?

Popular pages, that are hard to find

Analytics will tell you the path that people take through your website. If a large proportion of traffic is visiting one page, but that page takes three clicks to get to, this should inform the redesign to emphasise that linkagae.


Likewise, if there are pages in the main navigation that are rarely clicked, perhaps this section should be moved into another section. Sometimes additional tools like Heatmapping can help to spot problem areas.

Analytics After Launch

Studying your visitor behaviour before a rebuild also feeds into measuring the success of the rebuild. It is important to benchmark performance before and after by using KPIs that are relevant to your business such as visits, conversions, transaction value, revenue etc.

Interested in redesigning your website? Contact us for an obligation-free consulation.